Thursday, April 14, 2011

Decorah Eagles Attacked by Owl

Barred Owl. Primary Suspect.
An owl has attacked the Decorah eagles for the past three nights! Raptor Resource quickly reported, "Owls seem frightening, but the eagles have dealt with them before. Their young are safe."

I was extremely upset when I heard the news, but glad to see that all three eaglets were being safely guarded by both parents. Let all hope that the owl stays away from now on and that the eagle family remains safe.

From the quick glimpse of the attacker and the hooting you can hear in the second attack clip, the primary suspect to me is the Barred Owl. If you ask me, this owl is crazy to attack two Bald Eagles. Hopefully, it will learn to stay away.

These owl attacks are certainly frightening, so I want to share some screen shots that I took this past weekend when the eaglets were moving around the nest. They certainly seem to be entering their gawky stage.

Protecting the eaglets April 14th.


  1. This is a very nice site I would like to put the video of owl attacking eagle back up and keep other people from running the video and making money off them. Please advise if you know of away I can let you run it thanks Bill Laughlin

  2. On your YouTube channel under your settings you can block the ability for other sites to embed your videos. Locate the "Embedding" tab and click the option "No, external site may not embed video." I'm sure some people can still find a way to embed blocked videos, but it's worth a shot so people who care about the eagles can still link to your great videos of the eagles. Thanks for your comments.
