Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011, Marks the One-Year Anniversary of the Gulf Oil Disaster

This Wednesday, is the one-year anniversary of the Gulf Oil Disaster. On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico exploded causing one of the most significant ecological disasters.

The Deepwater Horizon explosion is the worst oil disater in America's history, claiming the lives of thousands of animals and creating profound and lasting damage on a delicate and precious ecosystem.

Defenders of Wildlife is an organization dedicated to saving wildlife around the world and their efforts to save the Gulf wildlife and ecosystems continue. The organization has tasked tens of thousands of people to speak out for new safety measures to prevent the next oil disaster and has taken BP to court to ensure the company is held responsible for the disaster and accountable for every sea turtle killed.

To mark the one-year anniversary, Defenders of Wildlife has created Memorial Wildlife Adoptions in honor of the wildlife killed in the disaster. Supporters can adopt a dolphin or sea turtle in memory of the thousands of wildlife killed by the oil disaster.

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